Friday, June 17, 2011

Just another lazy day :)

I do not know why. But I just love this song. And I think the music video is just hilarious :)
It's so simple and random, and yet that's what makes it so amazing.

You never forget your first kiss

Cutest kid ever :)

Just something that I think will make you smile today and maybe bring back memories of your first kiss.

Check out the rest of the videos on the channel and you will realize how adorable this kid is and that any girl will be lucky to end up with him.

Love knows no gender...or in this case species

So I don't know why I find this so cute, but I think this is just the most adorable thing ever! A cat and a dolphin playing with one another. I mean a cat and a dolphin? Two of the most opposite creatures and yet they are playing with one another. It's like watching those videos of a dog who raises lion cubs, or a pig who raises cats. I just think that animals who are completly opposite and yet are able to interact with one another in a calm and civil manner are the cutest things ever!

If animals are able to no discriminate than why can't we? We have alot of learn from our fellow animals.

Come so far, but got so far to go

So school is coming to an end for me and even though I should have some idea of what I want to do with my future I seriously have NO IDEA!!! I know I am supposed to have some idea of what I want to do with my future, but in all honesty there is not a single idea in my head.
I have always wanted to go to into enviormental studies/marine biology/oceanology, and I still really do want to pursue something along those lines. But I don't have the best marks in math or science. Then I thought I wanted to enter social work, but I keep getting told I would be really good at law. So that just opens a brand new can of worms that I have no idea what to do with. I want to have a job that I love and have a passion for, but I also want to make sure I have a steady career and something that will last for a long time and doesn't have a risk of putting me out on the street.
Why does deciding my future have to be such a daunting task? I am only 18 years old. Deciding my future for the next 10 years shouldn't be something I have to do. This is supposed to be the time to make mistakes and learn from them. To fall, fail, and falter. To take a course on Lady GaGa cause it seems fun, not because it has any purpose of furthering your education of getting you a better career. I just wish everything could be like when I was 5 years old and the only thing I had to worry about was what was for dinner that night.

It seems that once you pass that new half-way point, a new one appears, but it seems so much further away than the last one.
I've come so far, but I still have so far to go.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I got Royal Wedding fever...and I'm contagious ;)

So today is the big day. The day William and Kate Middleton finally get married. This event has been anticipated since the day they got engaged. Now as I am writing this I am watching the Royal Wedding and it is by far the most incredible wedding I have ever seen in my lifetime!

She is such a beautiful bride and her wedding dress was absolutely stunning!
I was very surprised to see her sister wear white as well, but when I found out that it is tradition there it made sense. She blended right in with the bride, especially when she walked behind her carrying the train. She didn't draw attention away from the bride, which is how it should be.
William looked so handsome in his military suit and it just made everything fit together. He looks so much like his mother that I almost had a tear come to my eye.
There is so much to talk about when it comes to the Royal Wedding that I just don't have the time or space to do it.

Everything about this wedding was perfect. From the dress, the vows, the queen, the entrance, the exit, and even the kiss! Although the kiss was very short and is now being dubbed 'the little kiss' compared to the kiss shared by William's mother and father on their wedding day. However I feel it was very like them. They are not the type of couple to be publicly smooching, or cuddling. They are a very reserved couple and save all the 'lovey dovey' moments for when they are alone. They truly are a perfect couple.
This was the 'Wedding of the Century' and I don't believe anything can top it.
I cannot wait to go home and watch the wedding allover again on my TV.  Nothing can top this moment today. Especially being able to see the first kiss outside of the palace on the balcony :)

The only thing left for me to say about the wedding....Is Prince Harry single? ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are you a Belieber?

  Do you ever look upon your generation and think "When I look back onto my generation, and other people look back, I do not want this or that representing it."? I know for that I do. And recently it has been happening alot. For example. Justin Bieber. Sorry if you are reading this and you have "Bieber Fever" but I am not a huge fan of him. I'm not going to diss him completely because I do enjoy some of his songs and it's nice to see someone make it big from a small town in Canada. But he is not the type of person I want defining my generation. When I look back on other generations such as my parents and grandparents I see amazing artists such as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, etc.. But when I look at who is famous and mainstream in my generation I see Justin Bieber, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, etc... I'm sorry if I am offending anyone by saying that I am not a huge fan of these artists. But I'm telling the truth. Now I'm not saying I have never listened to one of their songs, or sing along when they come on the radio, because that is not true. I do that all the time. But I am not a fan of their work. In my opinion these people are not what music is. These people are just what mainstream is. They are what the music industry wants to make large amounts of money for them. The music industry nowadays is no longer interested in talent, no, they are only interested in making money. Today they can make anyone sound good, what with all the new equipment that changes your voice such as autotune and what not. I bet the music industry could even make me sound good, but it doesn't mean I have actual talent. And then once these so-called "talented people" have to perform live their true voice show through and you realize how much they suck. Yet for some reason they are still able to sell millions of tickets for people to come and watch them sing horribly.
  I'm not going to say that my generation lacks actual talent, because I feel there is some promising artisits that exist, they just haven't been either discovered or made famous yet. Artists such as Mumford and Sons, Hedley, Tyler Ward, Boyce Avenue, Freelance Whales, Noah and the Whale, Brad Paisly, Toby Keith, and the list goes on. Some of these artisits you may recognize and some of them you may just ask yourself "Who the heck are these people?" These people, and many more like them have talent, I feel. They have a true voice that was made for singing, and they do not become eaten up by the music industry and allow them to change their style or make them into something they're not. Although, at many times, I hope majority of these artists will not become what we describe as "mainstream" music, because I do not want them to be ruined and just become another one of the music industries 'new toy'. They still have a special quality about them, they are hidden gems, pure, untouched by the music industry's tainted hand. And I personally would love it if they stay that way.
  Nowadays new artisits are popping up left, right, and center. No one hears about them prior to their new found stardom, and they only sing 'Number One' songs. If you look them up you rarely see any 'old' or 'original' stuff from that artist. But throunh all of these new artists coming about, how many of them actually have a pure, God-given talent? If you are to actually answer that question your answer would probably be "very little, or none at all".
  As I leave this post to sit and wait to be read I want you to ask yourself this questions. Who do you want representing your generation?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Laughter: The best medicine

What is it about a baby's laughter? Seriously. Whenever a baby laughs or smiles you can't help but laugh and smile to. There is this one video on YouTube which has become viral in a matter of days. The video is of a 8-moth-old-boy who is hysterically laughing over his father ripping up paper. Paper. I mean what could be more simple? Yet to this baby his father ripping up paper is as funny as Dane Cook. As I watch this adorable child I cannot help but laugh hysterically along with him. It really makes you think about how it is the little things in life and the here-and-now-moments that are truly specal. Nowadays we are so busy with everything and are surronded by our gadgets that we rarely take time to stop and smell the flowers. Or in this case stop and rip the paper. I don't know if it's just me but whenever I am around a baby I seem to go back in age by about 10 years. Everything around me seems to stop and I notice everything in a different light. I mean when you hang out with a baby you have to find something for them that is entertaining to do. Something as simple as peek-a-boo, or the pick-up game where they find and object and continually drop it everytime you pick it up and hand it back to them entertains that child for hours on end. Although this seems like such tedious and repetative task for you, too that child it is entertainment. I don't know if I am the only one but that simple game of peek-a-boo and seeing that baby's face light up with laughter instantly makes me smile. I don't care if what I am doing makes me look like the biggest idiot in the world (and I'm sure when I play with a baby it does) but it is all about making that child happy. And perhaps playing with that child for even a few minutes helps you as well.
I personally think that everyone should spend time with a child at least a few times a month. There is something about playing with a baby or even a 5-year-old that makes you feel like a kid again yourself. Being around someone who still believes in fairytales and still has a wild and vivid imagination that creates a new imaginary friend everyday that brings you back to your childhood years and helps you relax and forget the crazy and hectic world around you. This is just my opinion, but for those of you who have had a child or have a younger sibiling or whatever, take time to spend with them. Take that time to laugh with them and be silly. Before you know it they will be all grown up and that same game of peek-a-boo won't have the same effect on them.
So take time to stop and rip the paper, smell the roses. Take time to stop and...Laugh.
Here's hoping you get a little laughter into your day.

Friday, February 25, 2011

When is it going to end?

I am not Wonder Woman, I do not have super speed or super smarts. I am just a regualr human teenager who is trying to get everything done in my life. So why is it then that teacher's think we can do everything? It's like they expect us to have no other life besides school and homework. Yes I understand they are just preparig us for College/University but still. I have had so much history homework it could last me a lifetime, and for what? So I can basically learn the same thing I learned last time just in a different wording? I have been a very busy person my whole life. What with swimming 11 hours a week, youth group 2 days a week, cuba meetings on sundays, somehow finding time to hang out with my friends, working every weekend for almost 10 hours, going to school and homework on top of that. Somehow in all of that I also find time to sleep and eat. So seeing as how my schedule has always been quite hectic I have been fairly good at time managment and getting everything done in order of importance. But this is way to much. I think that I am going to crack if something does not stop. The only problem....I can't stop doing any of these activities.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What don't these two have?

Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider have become Youtube sensations. Making the homepage numerous times, being on Ellen, Oprah, The Bonnie Hunt show, just to name a few and recieving millions of viewers overnight. Both grew up together in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania in a small suburb outside of Philadelphia. They both lived down the street from one another but did not start becoming really good friends until the end of highschool as they were both involved in the chorus and music scene. Kurt, being a year older than Sam, graduated and went of to Yale and Sam independently made the choice to go off to Yale as well in the following year. Kurt had already began working on some music stuff before Sam arrived and when he did they began collaborating together. Both boys grew up under a large musical influence. Kurt always loved music and he taught himself piano throughout high school and guitar in college. Sam's mom was a high school music teacher, so he grew up in a household with a piano and where the arts were really appeciated. From a young age Sam sang for fun and by high school he decided that he wanted to perform or sing in some way.
Together they have perfromed multiple covers by some of today's most famous artists such as Lady Gaga, Owl City, Britney Spears and many more. Sam and Kurt have even come out with two original songs together, Don't want an Ending and Start again. They are continuing to work on even more original songs together and are continually uploading new videos.
Check out their Youtube page where you can check out not only their videos but also links to other artists pages who they have done collaborations with or who Kurt has worked with helping them produce a video.
Check them out: KurtHugoSchneider

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rise and Shine! It's 200metre Fly time!

Butterfly. One of the most difficult strokes known to all swimmers, and maybe even mankind. Now 200 metres of butterfly is just downright ridiculous. Majority of competitve swimmers have trouble swimming two lengths of fly let alone 8. Me however, I'm different. I like swimming 8 lengths of fly. I like the feeling of my stroke being very smooth and the feeling it gives me as I just glide over the water. I love the encouragement I get when I get out of the pool after a race and all of my team mates congratualte me on my swim, no matter how poorly I did because majority of them are just in awe of the fact that I am able to swim that many lengths of butterfly, in a row, without rest, and still manage to have enough energy to stand up afterwards. I cannot wait until my next swim meet where I will be able to swim a butterfly event again and try and beat my old time! Rise and Shine.
It's 200 metre fly time.